Aside from silence, space and nature, Burgundy can also be proud of its other treasures – museums, castle and abbeys.

If in search for museums and history, head for Nevers. This city also has sweet little shopping streets with many wonderful, alternative boutiques. In our cottage you’ll find a tourist information folder with handy addresses, ideas for trips, activities, museum visits etc.

Made up of at least thirty percent forest, Burgundy is one of the most highly wooded regions of France. And where the forest ends, you’ll see rhythmic fields of vineyards, hedges and villages. Burgundian hospitality is older than its tourism. You’ll be greeted warmly and sincerely in this region, which once appealed to the medieval traveller. That’s because in early monastic history, Burgundy attracted endless pilgrims.
A visit to Vezelay’s famous basilica is definitely worthwhile. This is the starting point of the pilgrimage Santiago de Compostella, also known as the Way of St James or the Road to Compostella. Burgundy is known for its wines and delicious food. This is one area where time really has seemed to have stopped, and where hustle and bustle has no place.
Maybe go to a nearby flea market for lovely antiques, or just relax, French-style, at a local market ?
Visit a wine cellar, tuck into a good Burgundian dinner or just enjoy a bottle of wine or champagne on your own terrace.